Review Process

Key Considerations for Reviewers:

Expertise Alignment

Ensure that the article matches your area of expertise, enabling a thorough and insightful review.

Time Management

Allocate sufficient time for reviewing each article, considering deadlines and workload constraints.


Maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts by refraining from sharing them with unauthorized individuals.


Approach the review with an objective mindset, aligning your assessment with the article's content and the journal's requirements.

Reasonable Feedback

Provide feedback supported by logical reasoning, ensuring the validity and relevance of your comments.

Communication with the Editor:

Peer-Review Deadline:

Timely Completion: Aim to complete the review process, including recommendations, within the designated timeframe of 7 days.

Professional Integrity: Adhering to deadlines demonstrates professionalism and contributes to timely publication, benefiting both authors and the scholarly community.