Authorship Guidelines

Authors contributing to a study must demonstrate substantial intellectual input, as defined by their involvement in conception, design, data acquisition, analysis, or interpretation. Additionally, authors must have participated in drafting or critically revising the manuscript and provided final approval for publication. Each author should have sufficient involvement to assume public responsibility for relevant content and agree to address any concerns regarding the accuracy or integrity of the work. Merely acquiring funding, collecting data, or supervising research does not warrant authorship. Contributors failing to meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged appropriately. Scientific writers’ involvement should also be acknowledged, along with their funding source. Wren research journals requires written consent from all authors regarding proposed changes to manuscript authorship post-submission.

All submitted manuscripts must include a section detailing any competing interests. If authors have none, the statement “The authors have declared that no competing interests exist” should be included. Editors may request further information on competing interests. Editors and reviewers must also disclose any competing interests and may be excluded from the peer review process if conflicts arise.

Editors and reviewers are obliged to maintain manuscript confidentiality. Wren research journals will not share manuscripts with third parties outside of its purview unless misconduct is suspected.

Wren research journals supports initiatives enhancing data registration and reporting. This includes registering clinical trials in ICMJE-listed registries, with the trial registration number and date included in the abstract. Authors are encouraged to register systematic reviews in suitable registries and follow specific checklists for various study types. Ethical handling of unpublished genomic data and clinical datasets is paramount, including obtaining informed consent from participants. Manuscript submission implies the commitment to freely provide reproducible materials for non-commercial use, ensuring participant confidentiality. Nucleotide sequences, protein sequences, and coordinates must be deposited in appropriate databases, and software described in manuscripts should be available for reviewers, respecting anonymity.

Manuscripts submitted to Wren research journals must be original and exclusive. Plagiarism is rigorously checked, and publication misconduct is taken seriously. Authors must adhere to ICMJE policies regarding overlapping publications, and excessive self-citation is discouraged. Legal correctness is the authors’ responsibility, and Wren research journals ensures compliance with copyright laws and editorial standards. Manuscripts infringing copyright or containing defamatory content will be rejected.

Wren research journals investigates all allegations of potential misconduct seriously. Suspected cases may necessitate sharing manuscripts with relevant third parties, such as authors’ institutions and ethics committees. Research involving humans and animals must adhere to ethical standards, and all digital images undergo scrutiny for manipulation. Suspected misconduct is reported to authors’ institutions.

Published articles may be corrected or retracted via an Erratum or Retraction article without altering the original content, except to add a prominent link. In rare cases, infringing or defamatory material may require removal from Wren research journals’s site and archives.

Our journals feature the following article categories:

  • Original Articles Presenting data from primary research endeavors.
  • Reviews Authoritative overviews of topics within the journal’s scope, often authored by field experts.
  • Case Reports Descriptive narratives of clinical cases, providing educational insights or highlighting diagnostic/therapeutic challenges.
  • Commentaries Concise opinion pieces addressing contemporary issues or recent research findings.
  • Methodology Articles Introducing novel experimental methods, tests, or procedures.
  • Letters to the Editor Engaging discourse encompassing re-analyses, responses to re-analyses, or articles relevant to readership.


For detailed information on each article type, please contact the Editor at

Submission guidelines include:

  • Online submissions only to facilitate prompt processing.
  • One author responsible for submission and peer review.
  • Cover letter detailing manuscript significance and potential conflicts of interest.
  • Contact information for two potential peer reviewers.


Accepted file formats include DOC for the title page, main manuscript, and cover letter, while figures may be submitted in JPG, JPEG, PNG, PPT, or DOCX formats.

Authors are required to provide acknowledgments for substantive contributions, declare funding sources, and disclose conflicts of interest in the cover letter. Permission for acknowledgments should be obtained, and grant funding sources should be fully disclosed.

Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively, with titles and legends provided. Larger datasets or wide tables can be submitted as additional files. Figures should be submitted separately with resolutions of at least 300 dpi.

References should be numbered consecutively and formatted according to the National Library of Medicine style. Only published or in-press articles, datasets, or preprints may be cited, with permissions obtained for personal communications and unpublished data.

Manuscripts must be written in English, adhering to either U.S. or British English. Authors are responsible for language quality, with minimal in-house copyediting. Double-line spacing, justified margins, and correct reference formatting are essential.

Word count limits apply to various article types, with structured abstracts for Original and Methodology Articles and unstructured summaries for Reviews, Commentaries, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor. Keywords and accession numbers should be provided.

Initial evaluations by the editor-in-chief and associate editor determine formal peer review or rejection based on quality and scientific rigor. Revisions should be clearly marked and addressed in responses to reviewers’ comments.

Special discounts or partial waivers may be granted for authors facing financial constraints, particularly those from developing countries or with limited funding allocations.

For further inquiries or submissions, please visit our website or contact us at


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Author Gudidelines

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